As a dog walker, I often get asked for recommendations of pet boutiques, veterinarians, groomers, parks and more. There are some great reference books available (The Dog Lover's Companion to Chicago by Margaret Littman and City Dog : Chicago come to mind), but it seems impossible to find a comprehensive map online that outlines all the great dog friendly places Chicago has to offer. I decided it's time we all work together to put together the ultimate resource for any dog lover looking for something dog related in Chicago, and I'm hoping you can help me continue to add to the map based on your experiences. I have only begun inputting my favorite spots to take Gatsby, but I thought parks, pet boutiques, non-profits and vet services would be a good beginning. I plan to add people shops (i.e. Best Buy and Clark Street Ale House) that are puppy friendly after I add the dog businesses I know. So please, check out the Google map I started and submit your comments to my blog about the places you think need to be on the map, and I'll add them asap! You can visit the full map by clicking here, and a sneak peek is included below :-) View Get Pet's Favorite Spots for Dogs in Chicago in a larger map
About KyleGrowing up in the country in Pennsylvania gave me tons of experience with animals from a very early age. I later pursued a career in horseback riding and also have experience as a veterinary technician. I have a strong passion for animals and have an uncanny ability to connect with all sorts of furry friends. Archives
June 2013