It is easy to focus on being involved in our political process during a Presidential election year, but I would like to challenge everyone to remember that we vote each and every day based on how we spend our dollars and where we spend our time.
I choose to vote daily for equality, the environment, my local economy, and the future of the United States of America. What inspires you to vote?
Will you join me in pledging to be educated about voting with your dollars and your time?
Will you take time to learn about products and ingredients and how they impact the environment?
Will you take time to read product labels before you buy a product?
Will you take time to research a company before you make a purchase?
Will you choose to shop local whenever possible?
Will you reach out to the people in your community with love regardless of their background or how they look?
Will you take time to learn about other cultures and beliefs before blindly criticizing?
Will you....
This page is in honor of my father, a recipient of the Purple Heart for his service during the Vietnam War.
What will you do to vote on a daily basis?
Leave a comment below and pledge to make voting something you do consciously every day.